Company name : | Hazel Wrights Vietnam |
Business category : | Transport - Sea Transport, Sea Freight | Logistics Services |
Business type : | Service company |
Main market : | International transportation |
Tax code : | 0309405844 |
Year established : | 2009 |
Number of employees : | from 11 - 50 people |
Hazel Wrights was first established in Singapore in 2006 and has progressively developed into a fully fledge integrated logistics service provider that successfully integrates the traditional areas of freight forwarding via air, ocean, and land transportation.
Currently, Hazel Wrights has two branch offices in Vietnam and Thailand. Hazel Wrights Vietnam established in 2009 as the leading regional provider of integrated transport and logistics services with high-quality standards.
Until now, we have continuously expanded and developed our services in order to fully satisfy customer’s requirements.
Please contact [email protected]
PIC Ms. Lisa +84 906797074 (zalo/ Whatsapp)
Or Ms. Bella +84 937643988 (zalo/ Whatsapp)
for the best offer!
Hazel Wrights accept DRY CARGO from/to HCM/HPH from/to below PODs: We accept 40HC for SOKHNA, ADEN, AQABA, LATAKIA, SUDAN, DJIBOUTI, DAMMAM/JEDDAH
Hazel Wrights VN NVOCC, have own REEFER containers accept cargo from/to HCM/HPH for below ports:
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