Company name : | Blue Sea Transportation Trading Co.,Ltd - BSTT Co.,Ltd |
Business category : | Freight Forwarding Services | Logistics Services | Transport - International Transport |
Business type : | Service company |
Main market : | Vietnam, Asia, Southeast Asia, America, Europe |
Tax code : | 0309381590 |
Year established : | 2004 |
Number of employees : | from 11 - 50 people |
- Address: Hai Ha Building, 45 Trieu Viet Vuong Street, Nguyen Du Ward, Ha Ba Trung District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.
- Address: Hai An Building, Km2 Dinh Vu Road, Dong Hai 2 Ward, Hai An District, Hai Phong City, Viet Nam.
Blue Sea Co., Ltd is a company operating in the field of export - import, specializing in international freight forwarding services. Our main services include:
We provide cargo insurance with qualified packaging services.
Please contact us at +84 913 1505 33. Our customer support is available 24/7.